Creating Multiple VMs using Terraform – Nutanix Provider

Building on the previous example, let’s use Terraform to create multiple VM’s using just one Terraform file/configuration. Let’s take the previous example’s tf file and check the options available

$ cat 
provider "nutanix" {
  username = "username"
  password = "password"
  endpoint = "IP_of_PE"
  insecure = true
  port     = 9440
data "nutanix_image" "centos" {
    image_id = "2b4b5942-2c0e-45eb-b17e-a10b8479c824"
resource "nutanix_virtual_machine" "ayan-test" {
name = "ayan-test"
 description = "ayan terra"
 num_vcpus_per_socket = 2
 num_sockets          = 1
 memory_size_mib      = 4096 

Now, we know that this will create one VM named”ayan-test“. However, what if we wanted to create a hundred (that’s taking it a bit too far, I guess. let’s stick to 5 instances) VMs with the same basic configuration?

Now, there are a couple of problems here

  • Name of the VM needs to be unique – else we would just get a bunch load of VMs with the same name!
  • NIC cards/other specifics will need to be unique (hence, left out the NIC cards in the base example for simplicity’s sake! But we will try the options later)

Now, we can use the “count” and use that as an input for both NIC cards, drives or for that matter, VM names!

Nice! So let’s modify the script as below, essentially add in a count for the number of VM’s and increment the count value as variables for entities we need to increment! Simple right? Here goes…

$ cat 
provider "nutanix" {
  username = "username"
  password = "PE_passwords"
  endpoint = "PE_CVM_IP_ADDRESS"
  insecure = true
  port     = 9440
data "nutanix_image" "centos" {
    image_id = "2b4b5942-2c0e-45eb-b17e-a10b8479c824"
resource "nutanix_virtual_machine" "ayan-test" {
count = "5" <<------------------------------
name = "ayan-test-${count.index + 1}" <--------
 description = "ayan terra"
 num_vcpus_per_socket = 2
 num_sockets          = 1
 memory_size_mib      = 4096

Now that we have that, just save the file and apply. Ideally we should be seeing 5 VM operations when we plan and then apply. We can always modify if this comes back with errors

$ terraform apply
nutanix_virtual_machine.ayan-test[0]: Refreshing state... (ID: 91420eb8-19a5-4fc4-8947-8aa3369e5c96)
data.nutanix_image.centos: Refreshing state...

An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  + nutanix_virtual_machine.ayan-test[1]<--------
      id:                                                 <computed>
      api_version:                                        <computed>
      availability_zone_reference.%:                      <computed>
      boot_device_disk_address.%:                         <computed>
      boot_device_mac_address:                            <computed>
      boot_device_order_list.#:                           <computed>
      categories.%:                                       <computed>
      cluster_name:                                       <computed>
      cluster_reference.%:                                <computed>
      description:                                        "ayan terra"
      enable_script_exec:                                 <computed>
      gpu_list.#:                                         <computed>
      guest_customization_cloud_init_custom_key_values.%: <computed>
      guest_customization_cloud_init_meta_data:           <computed>
      guest_customization_cloud_init_user_data:           <computed>
      guest_customization_is_overridable:                 <computed>
      guest_customization_sysprep.%:                      <computed>
      guest_customization_sysprep_custom_key_values.%:    <computed>
      guest_os_id:                                        <computed>
      hardware_clock_timezone:                            <computed>
      host_reference.%:                                   <computed>
      hypervisor_type:                                    <computed>
      memory_size_mib:                                    "4096"
      metadata.%:                                         <computed>
      name:                                               "ayan-test-2" 
      nic_list.#:                                         <computed>
      num_sockets:                                        "1"
      num_vcpus_per_socket:                               "2"
      num_vnuma_nodes:                                    <computed>
      nutanix_guest_tools.%:                              <computed>
      owner_reference.%:                                  <computed>
      parent_reference.%:                                 <computed>
      power_state:                                        <computed>
      power_state_mechanism:                              <computed>
      project_reference.%:                                <computed>
      should_fail_on_script_failure:                      <computed>
      state:                                              <computed>
      vga_console_enabled:                                <computed>

  + nutanix_virtual_machine.ayan-test[2] <----------
      id:                                                 <computed>
      api_version:                                        <computed>
      availability_zone_reference.%:                      <computed>
      boot_device_disk_address.%:                         <computed>
      boot_device_mac_address:                            <computed>
      boot_device_order_list.#:                           <computed>
      categories.%:                                       <computed>
      cluster_name:                                       <computed>
      cluster_reference.%:                                <computed>
      description:                                        "ayan terra"
      enable_script_exec:                                 <computed>
      gpu_list.#:                                         <computed>
      guest_customization_cloud_init_custom_key_values.%: <computed>
      guest_customization_cloud_init_meta_data:           <computed>
      guest_customization_cloud_init_user_data:           <computed>
      guest_customization_is_overridable:                 <computed>
      guest_customization_sysprep.%:                      <computed>
      guest_customization_sysprep_custom_key_values.%:    <computed>
      guest_os_id:                                        <computed>
      hardware_clock_timezone:                            <computed>
      host_reference.%:                                   <computed>
      hypervisor_type:                                    <computed>
      memory_size_mib:                                    "4096"
      metadata.%:                                         <computed>
      name:                                               "ayan-test-3" <<---------------------
      nic_list.#:                                         <computed>
      num_sockets:                                        "1"
      num_vcpus_per_socket:                               "2"
      num_vnuma_nodes:                                    <computed>
      nutanix_guest_tools.%:                              <computed>
      owner_reference.%:                                  <computed>
      parent_reference.%:                                 <computed>
      power_state:                                        <computed>
      power_state_mechanism:                              <computed>
      project_reference.%:                                <computed>
      should_fail_on_script_failure:                      <computed>
      state:                                              <computed>
      vga_console_enabled:                                <computed>

  + nutanix_virtual_machine.ayan-test[3]
      id:                                                 <computed>
      api_version:                                        <computed>
      availability_zone_reference.%:                      <computed>
      boot_device_disk_address.%:                         <computed>
      boot_device_mac_address:                            <computed>
      boot_device_order_list.#:                           <computed>
      categories.%:                                       <computed>
      cluster_name:                                       <computed>
      cluster_reference.%:                                <computed>
      description:                                        "ayan terra"
      enable_script_exec:                                 <computed>
      gpu_list.#:                                         <computed>
      guest_customization_cloud_init_custom_key_values.%: <computed>
      guest_customization_cloud_init_meta_data:           <computed>
      guest_customization_cloud_init_user_data:           <computed>
      guest_customization_is_overridable:                 <computed>
      guest_customization_sysprep.%:                      <computed>
      guest_customization_sysprep_custom_key_values.%:    <computed>
      guest_os_id:                                        <computed>
      hardware_clock_timezone:                            <computed>
      host_reference.%:                                   <computed>
      hypervisor_type:                                    <computed>
      memory_size_mib:                                    "4096"
      metadata.%:                                         <computed>
      name:                                               "ayan-test-4" <---------------------
      nic_list.#:                                         <computed>
      num_sockets:                                        "1"
      num_vcpus_per_socket:                               "2"
      num_vnuma_nodes:                                    <computed>
      nutanix_guest_tools.%:                              <computed>
      owner_reference.%:                                  <computed>
      parent_reference.%:                                 <computed>
      power_state:                                        <computed>
      power_state_mechanism:                              <computed>
      project_reference.%:                                <computed>
      should_fail_on_script_failure:                      <computed>
      state:                                              <computed>
      vga_console_enabled:                                <computed>

  + nutanix_virtual_machine.ayan-test[4]
      id:                                                 <computed>
      api_version:                                        <computed>
      availability_zone_reference.%:                      <computed>
      boot_device_disk_address.%:                         <computed>
      boot_device_mac_address:                            <computed>
      boot_device_order_list.#:                           <computed>
      categories.%:                                       <computed>
      cluster_name:                                       <computed>
      cluster_reference.%:                                <computed>
      description:                                        "ayan terra"
      enable_script_exec:                                 <computed>
      gpu_list.#:                                         <computed>
      guest_customization_cloud_init_custom_key_values.%: <computed>
      guest_customization_cloud_init_meta_data:           <computed>
      guest_customization_cloud_init_user_data:           <computed>
      guest_customization_is_overridable:                 <computed>
      guest_customization_sysprep.%:                      <computed>
      guest_customization_sysprep_custom_key_values.%:    <computed>
      guest_os_id:                                        <computed>
      hardware_clock_timezone:                            <computed>
      host_reference.%:                                   <computed>
      hypervisor_type:                                    <computed>
      memory_size_mib:                                    "4096"
      metadata.%:                                         <computed>
      name:                                               "ayan-test-5" <<------------------------
      nic_list.#:                                         <computed>
      num_sockets:                                        "1"
      num_vcpus_per_socket:                               "2"
      num_vnuma_nodes:                                    <computed>
      nutanix_guest_tools.%:                              <computed>
      owner_reference.%:                                  <computed>
      parent_reference.%:                                 <computed>
      power_state:                                        <computed>
      power_state_mechanism:                              <computed>
      project_reference.%:                                <computed>
      should_fail_on_script_failure:                      <computed>
      state:                                              <computed>
      vga_console_enabled:                                <computed>

Plan: 4 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value: yes

nutanix_virtual_machine.ayan-test[3]: Creating...
  api_version:                                        "" => "<computed>"
  availability_zone_reference.%:                      "" => "<computed>"
  boot_device_disk_address.%:                         "" => "<computed>"
  boot_device_mac_address:                            "" => "<computed>"
  boot_device_order_list.#:                           "" => "<computed>"
  categories.%:                                       "" => "<computed>"
  cluster_name:                                       "" => "<computed>"
  cluster_reference.%:                                "" => "<computed>"
  description:                                        "" => "ayan terra"
  enable_script_exec:                                 "" => "<computed>"
  gpu_list.#:                                         "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_cloud_init_custom_key_values.%: "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_cloud_init_meta_data:           "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_cloud_init_user_data:           "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_is_overridable:                 "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_sysprep.%:                      "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_sysprep_custom_key_values.%:    "" => "<computed>"
  guest_os_id:                                        "" => "<computed>"
  hardware_clock_timezone:                            "" => "<computed>"
  host_reference.%:                                   "" => "<computed>"
  hypervisor_type:                                    "" => "<computed>"
  memory_size_mib:                                    "" => "4096"
  metadata.%:                                         "" => "<computed>"
  name:                                               "" => "ayan-test-4"
  nic_list.#:                                         "" => "<computed>"
  num_sockets:                                        "" => "1"
  num_vcpus_per_socket:                               "" => "2"
  num_vnuma_nodes:                                    "" => "<computed>"
  nutanix_guest_tools.%:                              "" => "<computed>"
  owner_reference.%:                                  "" => "<computed>"
  parent_reference.%:                                 "" => "<computed>"
  power_state:                                        "" => "<computed>"
  power_state_mechanism:                              "" => "<computed>"
  project_reference.%:                                "" => "<computed>"
  should_fail_on_script_failure:                      "" => "<computed>"
  state:                                              "" => "<computed>"
  vga_console_enabled:                                "" => "<computed>"
nutanix_virtual_machine.ayan-test[2]: Creating...
  api_version:                                        "" => "<computed>"
  availability_zone_reference.%:                      "" => "<computed>"
  boot_device_disk_address.%:                         "" => "<computed>"
  boot_device_mac_address:                            "" => "<computed>"
  boot_device_order_list.#:                           "" => "<computed>"
  categories.%:                                       "" => "<computed>"
  cluster_name:                                       "" => "<computed>"
  cluster_reference.%:                                "" => "<computed>"
  description:                                        "" => "ayan terra"
  enable_script_exec:                                 "" => "<computed>"
  gpu_list.#:                                         "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_cloud_init_custom_key_values.%: "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_cloud_init_meta_data:           "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_cloud_init_user_data:           "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_is_overridable:                 "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_sysprep.%:                      "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_sysprep_custom_key_values.%:    "" => "<computed>"
  guest_os_id:                                        "" => "<computed>"
  hardware_clock_timezone:                            "" => "<computed>"
  host_reference.%:                                   "" => "<computed>"
  hypervisor_type:                                    "" => "<computed>"
  memory_size_mib:                                    "" => "4096"
  metadata.%:                                         "" => "<computed>"
  name:                                               "" => "ayan-test-3"
  nic_list.#:                                         "" => "<computed>"
  num_sockets:                                        "" => "1"
  num_vcpus_per_socket:                               "" => "2"
  num_vnuma_nodes:                                    "" => "<computed>"
  nutanix_guest_tools.%:                              "" => "<computed>"
  owner_reference.%:                                  "" => "<computed>"
  parent_reference.%:                                 "" => "<computed>"
  power_state:                                        "" => "<computed>"
  power_state_mechanism:                              "" => "<computed>"
  project_reference.%:                                "" => "<computed>"
  should_fail_on_script_failure:                      "" => "<computed>"
  state:                                              "" => "<computed>"
  vga_console_enabled:                                "" => "<computed>"
nutanix_virtual_machine.ayan-test[4]: Creating...
  api_version:                                        "" => "<computed>"
  availability_zone_reference.%:                      "" => "<computed>"
  boot_device_disk_address.%:                         "" => "<computed>"
  boot_device_mac_address:                            "" => "<computed>"
  boot_device_order_list.#:                           "" => "<computed>"
  categories.%:                                       "" => "<computed>"
  cluster_name:                                       "" => "<computed>"
  cluster_reference.%:                                "" => "<computed>"
  description:                                        "" => "ayan terra"
  enable_script_exec:                                 "" => "<computed>"
  gpu_list.#:                                         "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_cloud_init_custom_key_values.%: "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_cloud_init_meta_data:           "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_cloud_init_user_data:           "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_is_overridable:                 "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_sysprep.%:                      "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_sysprep_custom_key_values.%:    "" => "<computed>"
  guest_os_id:                                        "" => "<computed>"
  hardware_clock_timezone:                            "" => "<computed>"
  host_reference.%:                                   "" => "<computed>"
  hypervisor_type:                                    "" => "<computed>"
  memory_size_mib:                                    "" => "4096"
  metadata.%:                                         "" => "<computed>"
  name:                                               "" => "ayan-test-5"
  nic_list.#:                                         "" => "<computed>"
  num_sockets:                                        "" => "1"
  num_vcpus_per_socket:                               "" => "2"
  num_vnuma_nodes:                                    "" => "<computed>"
  nutanix_guest_tools.%:                              "" => "<computed>"
  owner_reference.%:                                  "" => "<computed>"
  parent_reference.%:                                 "" => "<computed>"
  power_state:                                        "" => "<computed>"
  power_state_mechanism:                              "" => "<computed>"
  project_reference.%:                                "" => "<computed>"
  should_fail_on_script_failure:                      "" => "<computed>"
  state:                                              "" => "<computed>"
  vga_console_enabled:                                "" => "<computed>"
nutanix_virtual_machine.ayan-test[1]: Creating...
  api_version:                                        "" => "<computed>"
  availability_zone_reference.%:                      "" => "<computed>"
  boot_device_disk_address.%:                         "" => "<computed>"
  boot_device_mac_address:                            "" => "<computed>"
  boot_device_order_list.#:                           "" => "<computed>"
  categories.%:                                       "" => "<computed>"
  cluster_name:                                       "" => "<computed>"
  cluster_reference.%:                                "" => "<computed>"
  description:                                        "" => "ayan terra"
  enable_script_exec:                                 "" => "<computed>"
  gpu_list.#:                                         "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_cloud_init_custom_key_values.%: "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_cloud_init_meta_data:           "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_cloud_init_user_data:           "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_is_overridable:                 "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_sysprep.%:                      "" => "<computed>"
  guest_customization_sysprep_custom_key_values.%:    "" => "<computed>"
  guest_os_id:                                        "" => "<computed>"
  hardware_clock_timezone:                            "" => "<computed>"
  host_reference.%:                                   "" => "<computed>"
  hypervisor_type:                                    "" => "<computed>"
  memory_size_mib:                                    "" => "4096"
  metadata.%:                                         "" => "<computed>"
  name:                                               "" => "ayan-test-2"
  nic_list.#:                                         "" => "<computed>"
  num_sockets:                                        "" => "1"
  num_vcpus_per_socket:                               "" => "2"
  num_vnuma_nodes:                                    "" => "<computed>"
  nutanix_guest_tools.%:                              "" => "<computed>"
  owner_reference.%:                                  "" => "<computed>"
  parent_reference.%:                                 "" => "<computed>"
  power_state:                                        "" => "<computed>"
  power_state_mechanism:                              "" => "<computed>"
  project_reference.%:                                "" => "<computed>"
  should_fail_on_script_failure:                      "" => "<computed>"
  state:                                              "" => "<computed>"
  vga_console_enabled:                                "" => "<computed>"
nutanix_virtual_machine.ayan-test.4: Still creating... (10s elapsed)
nutanix_virtual_machine.ayan-test.3: Still creating... (10s elapsed)
nutanix_virtual_machine.ayan-test.2: Still creating... (10s elapsed)
nutanix_virtual_machine.ayan-test.1: Still creating... (10s elapsed)

So we now have 5 VM’s created! With unique names we can use! Stick around for more!

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