ESXi command line

Understanding ESXi 7.0.1 upgrades – command line

So ESXi upgrades can be done in a variety of ways.

You could use the Update manager, use the ISO in IPMI – but then the most fun way (for learning) is how to do an upgrade using the command line – and having fun in the process!

Installs and Fun? I hear you say? Well, YES, if you can break the install midway for fun and pleasure 🙂 Well how is THAT possible? I see you wonder? And what is the POINT of it all? To which I say – What is the point of Life itself? 🙂

So here I am logged in to my test subject for the day – a healthy lab machine running, well, the below

vmware -vl
VMware ESXi 7.0.0 build-15843807
VMware ESXi 7.0 GA

Now, the point is, we are looking to do an upgrade/update over the wire! So to do that, the bare necessities are, an ESXi host and the hosts able to talk to the world outside!

So to start the upgrade, we need a couple of things – the exact build of ESXi we need and the name of the package at VMware’s depot

For this, I will be using “ESXi-7.0U1b-17168206-standard”

So here goes steps are below

  1. Start the upgrade
  2. Poke around in the guts of ESXi 7.0.1 and see what the upgrade looks like from ESXi’s perspective
  3. If possible, recreate a simple install error and find out what that looks like

This will help us understand the upgrade process when a real world upgrade goes belly up!

Part 1 – Starting the upgrade

So to start the upgrade fire up your trusty command line/ssh tool and log in to the ESXi host. You can use Putty or xTerm etc – I am just using the Terminal on my Mac

So once we log in, let’s check the system time and the current version the node is on

vmware -lv gives you the version and the date command shows the time

vmware -vl
VMware ESXi 7.0.0 build-15843807 <-------
VMware ESXi 7.0 GA
Sun Jan 31 14:33:38 UTC 2021 <--------

Ensure the host has access to the internet

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=114 time=27.470 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=114 time=27.467 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=114 time=27.510 ms

Now that is done, check the free space on the ESXi localsystem to ensure you have free space to install

vdf -h
Tardisk                  Space      Used
vmx.v00                   116M      116M
vim.v00                   139M      139M
tpm.v00                    24K       22K
sb.v00                    171M      171M
s.v00                      68M       68M
i40en.v00                 716K      713K
ixgben.v00                612K      608K
nmlx5cor.v00                1M        1M
nfs_vaai.v00              156K      155K
bnxtnet.v00               688K      685K
bnxtroce.v00              324K      323K
brcmfcoe.v00                2M        2M
brcmnvme.v00              124K      123K
elxiscsi.v00              548K      546K
elxnet.v00                636K      635K
i40iwn.v00                484K      480K
iavmd.v00                 196K      195K
igbn.v00                  320K      319K
iser.v00                  260K      259K
lpfc.v00                    2M        2M
lpnic.v00                 636K      635K
lsi_msgp.v01              552K      549K
lsi_msgp.v02              512K      511K
mtip32xx.v00              256K      252K
ne1000.v00                636K      633K
nenic.v00                 264K      261K
nfnic.v00                 576K      573K
nhpsa.v00                 612K      611K
nmlx4_co.v00              784K      781K
nmlx4_en.v00              732K      730K
nmlx4_rd.v00              340K      338K
nmlx5_rd.v00              292K      288K
ntg3.v00                  116K      115K
nvme_pci.v00              120K      117K
nvmerdma.v00              168K      164K
nvmxnet3.v00              196K      193K
nvmxnet3.v01              172K      168K
pvscsi.v00                124K      121K
qcnic.v00                 300K      297K
qedentv.v00                 3M        3M
qedrntv.v00                 2M        2M
qfle3.v00                   2M        2M
qfle3f.v00                  1M        1M
qfle3i.v00                368K      367K
qflge.v00                 500K      498K
rste.v00                  828K      825K
sfvmk.v00                 648K      647K
smartpqi.v00              364K      362K
vmkata.v00                204K      202K
vmkfcoe.v00              1008K     1006K
vmkusb.v00                  1M        1M
vmw_ahci.v00              236K      234K
crx.v00                    12M       12M
elx_esx_.v00                2M        2M
btldr.v00                   1M        1M
esx_dvfi.v00              488K      484K
esx_ui.v00                 14M       14M
esxupdt.v00                 1M        1M
tpmesxup.v00               12K       11K
weaselin.v00                2M        2M
loadesx.v00                56K       53K
lsuv2_hp.v00               72K       70K
lsuv2_in.v00               28K       26K
lsuv2_ls.v00                1M        1M
lsuv2_nv.v00               16K       13K
lsuv2_oe.v00               16K       13K
lsuv2_oe.v01               16K       13K
lsuv2_oe.v02               16K       13K
lsuv2_sm.v00               56K       54K
native_m.v00                2M        2M
qlnative.v00                2M        2M
vdfs.v00                   12M       12M
vmware_e.v00              188K      187K
vsan.v00                   46M       46M
vsanheal.v00                7M        7M
vsanmgmt.v00               21M       21M
xorg.v00                    3M        3M
imgdb.tgz                   1M        1M
state.tgz                  68K       64K
loadesx-2316334            76K       73K
esxupdt-2316334             1M        1M
tpmesxup-2316334           12K       11K
weaselin-2316334            2M        2M
Ramdisk                   Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
root                       32M       12M       19M  38% --
etc                        28M      560K       27M   1% --
opt                        32M        0B       32M   0% --
var                        48M      544K       47M   1% --
tmp                       256M        6M      249M   2% --
iofilters                  32M        0B       32M   0% --
shm                      1024M        0B     1024M   0% --
crx                      1024M        0B     1024M   0% --
configstore                32M       44K       31M   0% --
configstorebkp             32M       44K       31M   0% --
hostdstats               1053M        2M     1050M   0% --
esx-update-2316334         14M        1M       12M  11% --
stagebootbank            4094M      134M     3959M   3% --
vibdownload               126M        1M      124M   1% --


df -h
Filesystem  Size   Used Available Use% Mounted on
NFS        12.0T   7.9G     12.0T   0% /vmfs/volumes/vmContainer1
VMFS-5     19.8G   1.0G     18.7G   5% /vmfs/volumes/NTNX-local-ds-18SM6F100193-D
VFFS       31.5G   4.0G     27.5G  13% /vmfs/volumes/OSDATA-601589af-b059815f-b96c-ac1f6b626d76
vfat        4.0G 162.8M      3.8G   4% /vmfs/volumes/BOOTBANK1
vfat        4.0G 162.8M      3.8G   4% /vmfs/volumes/BOOTBANK2

So start the install, the following commands can be used

Open the firewall and allow http access

esxcli network firewall ruleset set -e true -r httpClient

Start the actual install – note \ denotes the command is one single line

esxcli software profile update -d \ \ depot-index.xml -p ESXi-7.0U1b-17168206-standard

So at this point, the upgrade has started. But the screen will be blank

Part 2 – Monitoring the upgrade

So ESXi upgrades using the above method has the following workflow

  1. File is downloaded – if the filename is correct in the VMware depot
  2. Downloaded files are extracted in the local partition of the ESXi host
  3. Files are then installed
  4. Logs are written in the background denoting the progress and/or failure if any

So to monitor progress, open a new ssh session, hop on to the host and scan the esxupdate logs

In my case, the following is seen:

Image profile modifications are done, files are copied, extracted and non needed vibs are removed. Then, files are stored locally for the actual upgrade

2021-01-31T14:23:08Z esxupdate: 2316334: root: INFO: Command = profile.update
2021-01-31T14:23:08Z esxupdate: 2316334: root: INFO: Options = {'level': None, 'dryrun': False, 'depot': [''], 'profile': 'ESXi-7.0U1b-17168206-standard', 'noliveinstall': False, 'viburl': None, 'addon': None, 'nosigcheck': False, 'force': False, 'nohwwarning': False, 'softwarespec': None, 'nomaintmode': False, 'nameid': None, 'oktoremove': False, 'pending': None, 'downgrade': None, 'proxy': None, 'updateonly': False, 'rebooting': False, 'baseimageversion': None}
2021-01-31T14:23:09Z esxupdate: 2316334: HostImage: INFO: Installers initiated are {'live': <vmware.esximage.Installer.LiveImageInstaller.LiveImageInstaller object at 0xf0671a1390>, 'locker': <vmware.esximage.Installer.LockerInstaller.LockerInstaller object at 0xf0672a4358>, 'boot': <vmware.esximage.Installer.BootBankInstaller.BootBankInstaller object at 0xf067293ef0>}
2021-01-31T14:23:09Z esxupdate: 2316334: DepotCollection: DEBUG: Downloading depot index.xml from
2021-01-31T14:23:09Z esxupdate: 2316334: downloader: INFO: Opening for download
2021-01-31T14:23:11Z esxupdate: 2316334: DepotCollection: DEBUG: Downloading vendor index.xml from
2021-01-31T14:23:11Z esxupdate: 2316334: downloader: INFO: Opening for download
2021-01-31T14:23:12Z esxupdate: 2316334: DepotCollection: DEBUG: Downloading from
2021-01-31T14:23:12Z esxupdate: 2316334: downloader: INFO: Downloading to /tmp/tmpte68r34q
2021-01-31T14:23:15Z esxupdate: 2316334: Metadata.pyc: INFO: Reading metadata zip /tmp/tmpte68r34q
2021-01-31T14:23:15Z esxupdate: 2316334: Metadata.pyc: DEBUG: Processing file vendor-index.xml
2021-01-31T14:23:15Z esxupdate: 2316334: Metadata.pyc: DEBUG: Processing vib xml esx-base-2102922490.xml
2021-01-31T14:23:15Z esxupdate: 2316334: Metadata.pyc: DEBUG: Processing vib xml net-e1000e--1572903360.xml

2021-01-31T14:26:17Z esxupdate: 2316334: imageprofile: INFO: Adding VIB VMware_locker_tools-light_11.1.1.16303738-16850804 to ImageProfile ESXi-7.0U1b-17168206-standard
2021-01-31T14:26:17Z esxupdate: 2316334: imageprofile: DEBUG: VIBs {'VMware_locker_tools-light_11.0.5.15389592-15843807'} are replaced by VIB VMware_locker_tools-light_11.1.1.16
303738-16850804, removing them from ImageProfile ESXi-7.0U1b-17168206-standard
2021-01-31T14:26:17Z esxupdate: 2316334: imageprofile: DEBUG: VIB VMW_bootbank_sfvmk_2.0.0.1004-3vmw.700.1.0.15843807 is being removed from ImageProfile ESXi-7.0U1b-17168206-sta
2021-01-31T14:33:13Z esxupdate: 2316334: downloader: INFO: Downloading
t35_13.00.13.00-2vmw.701.0.0.16850804.vib to /tmp/vibdownload/VMW_bootbank_lsi-msgpt35_13.00.13.00-2vmw.701.0.0.16850804.vib
2021-01-31T14:33:13Z esxupdate: 2316334: downloader: INFO: Proxies configured: None
2021-01-31T14:33:15Z esxupdate: 2316334: esximage.Vib: DEBUG: Verifying VIB VMW_bootbank_lsi-msgpt35_13.00.13.00-2vmw.701.0.0.16850804 signature #1
2021-01-31T14:33:15Z esxupdate: 2316334: esximage.Vib: DEBUG: Total of 164451 bytes were written.
2021-01-31T14:33:15Z esxupdate: 2316334: HostImage: INFO: Attempting to download VIB loadesx
2021-01-31T14:33:15Z esxupdate: 2316334: downloader: INFO: Downloading
.0.1-0.15.17168206.vib to /tmp/vibdownload/VMware_bootbank_loadesx_7.0.1-0.15.17168206.vib

Part 3 – Analysing failures

This process would have continued until there was a network event or any other catastrophic event that would cause installs to fail. Here, I have just used dd to create a large file in the /scratch partition

dd if=/dev/zero of=large_file bs=4k \ iflag=fullblock,count_bytes count=40G

So immediately my scratch partition gets filled up and the install fails

2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: Ramdisk: INFO: Unmounting manual tardisk /tardisks.noauto/loadesx-2316334
2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: Ramdisk: INFO: Unmounting manual tardisk /tardisks.noauto/esxupdt-2316334
2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: Ramdisk: INFO: Unmounting manual tardisk /tardisks.noauto/tpmesxup-2316334
2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: Ramdisk: INFO: Unmounting manual tardisk /tardisks.noauto/weaselin-2316334
2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: root: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: root: ERROR:   File "/build/mts/release/bora-17168206/bora/build/esx/release/vmvisor/esxupdate/lib64/python3.5/site-packages/vmware/esxi
mage/Installer/", line 1175, in _SysStorageBootPartAction
2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: root: ERROR:   File "/build/mts/release/bora-15843807/bora/build/esx/release/vmvisor/sys-boot/lib64/python3.5/site-packages/systemStorag
e/", line 222, in installBootloader
2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: root: ERROR:   File "/build/mts/release/bora-15843807/bora/build/esx/release/vmvisor/sys-boot/lib64/python3.5/site-packages/systemStorag
e/", line 94, in installBiosBootloader
2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: root: ERROR:   File "/build/mts/release/bora-15843807/bora/build/esx/release/vmvisor/sys-boot/lib64/python3.5/site-packages/systemStorag
e/", line 808, in mcopy
2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: root: ERROR:   File "/build/mts/release/bora-15843807/bora/build/esx/release/vmvisor/sys-boot/lib64/python3.5/site-packages/systemStorag
e/", line 780, in _mtools
2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: root: ERROR:   File "/build/mts/release/bora-15843807/bora/build/esx/release/vmvisor/sys-boot/lib64/python3.5/", line 383, 
in run
2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: root: ERROR:   File "/build/mts/release/bora-15843807/bora/build/esx/release/vmvisor/sys-boot/lib64/python3.5/", line 676, 
in __init__
2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: root: ERROR:   File "/build/mts/release/bora-15843807/bora/build/esx/release/vmvisor/sys-boot/lib64/python3.5/", line 1228,
 in _execute_child
2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: root: ERROR: OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device <----------------
2021-01-31T14:35:33Z esxupdate: 2316334: root: ERROR:

This is what comes up in the console where the update command was running

esxcli software profile update -d -p ESXi-7.0U1b-17168206-standard
 Failed to update bootloader: [Errno 28] No space left on device
      cause = [Errno 28] No space left on device
       vibs = ['VMware_bootbank_esx-base_7.0.1-0.15.17168206']
 Please refer to the log file for more details.

Note the error actually says please refer to the log file 🙂 Which is kinda funny, as if a normal Joe or Jane knew where log files were and which ones to check, you wouldn’t be reading this far into this blog 🙂 🙂 🙂

Anyways, so now that we know what upgrades look like – (upgrades are simple pleasant things to work with actually!) here’s wishing everyone here learnt something!

Stay tuned for more!

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